Each month, I buy a book of twenty stamps. I create twenty post cards. I write twenty short stories about them. I send them to twenty strangers. This is the twenty stamps project.

Request a postcard by sending your snail mail address to sean.arthur.cox@gmail.com or find me on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SeanArthurCox

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

When Rivers Divorce

Their journey together had been a long and winding one. Sometimes it was smooth sailing. Other times they felt like they were in freefall, just waiting to crash. They had their rocky patches and their serene moments. Even so, after ten thousand years and two hundred and seventeen miles, the river's waters decided they had run their course together and that it was time to get a divorce. They split the path, one taking north, the other south, and they would share custody of the midlands. Both tried to take the high road, but in the end, the proceedings went down hill. The transition was rocky, but necessary. It would take ages before they would understand their new paths in the world and they would eventually meet new people and travel to new villages. In the end, they would both be happier. 

- Originally mailed to S. Sartin in Atlanta, Georgia

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