Each month, I buy a book of twenty stamps. I create twenty post cards. I write twenty short stories about them. I send them to twenty strangers. This is the twenty stamps project.

Request a postcard by sending your snail mail address to sean.arthur.cox@gmail.com or find me on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SeanArthurCox

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Stone House

Ever since she was a little girl, Alyssa wanted a stone house. Not brick. Stone. She wanted a castle at first, but later decided even a cottage would do if she could just reach out and feel honest to goodness solid rock protecting her from the elements. Unfortunately for her, stone was expensive in her part of the world. She lived on highly arable flatlands, sweeping plains that were perfect for farming because of the utter lack of rocks in the soil. Still, a dream, no matter how mad or expensive, will not simply die away.

As with all dreams, in order to survive, her stone home longing had to adapt, had to compromise. She looked at the wealth she could muster, a pittance to be sure, but she could find a way to make it work. She settled on a one room home. Tiny, only eighty square feet. She had just enough room for a day bed, a tiny shower in the corner, dresser with TV on top, and a single cabinet/counter combo beside a microfridge. She could have a big house later, a full house. One where she couldn't touch every inch of her home and still touch the bed, too. It needn't be made of stone either, she said as she did her best to stretch out on the paltry bed. She could live with something made of wood and plaster. She already had her dream home.

- Originally mailed to P. Walker in Diamondhead, Mississippi

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