Grimnok was without a doubt the most
garish demon to walk the earth in as long as anyone could remember
and the whole neon spots and bright red horns had the worst habit of
attracting woo girls when he had serious damnation business to be
doing. A demon ought to be feared and respected, he would bemoan, not
cuddled upon while friends took pictures. They should be groveling at
his feet in terror begging for their lives, or at their very least
offering up their souls. Oh sure, at first he delighted in their
presence, with their cheers for hand grenades and hurricanes and
Bloody Mary. He thought them beings of indescribable carnage, but oh
how his heart sank when he learned the only thing they intended to
punish were their livers. Soon, they would rue the day they thought
him a mere “party monster.” But before he could enact his
vengeance, he would need to fortify his resolve with at least six
more jell-o shots and a few hours dancing to some really rockin'
- Originally mailed to J. Hall of Jackson, Mississippi
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